sábado, 26 de diciembre de 2009

Christmas in Sydney

I want to tell you my first Christmas in Australia. First of all, to have a very good christmas we need good seafood, isn't? Then, the first stop is in the Fishmarket in Sydney...obviously is not the same style of market than in Spain but is funny because almost all the shops are chinese shops selling all type of seafood...

The star here is THE OYSTER...there are a lot of them...all sizes, and very cheap.....very tested and fresh ...

The second kind of seafood on the top-ten is THE PRAWN...(lo que viene siendo un langostino) and the LOBSTER (tambien conocida como langosta) ...the problem is: what the hell this lobster could taste because they eat with ketchup!!...:-0

Ok, when we have all the ingredients the next stop is to cook the dinner...has you know, I am not allowed to do that...jeje...then I did the Sangria....yes, I know what you are thinking...why Sangria? Because here is very hot and it is impossible to find some bottle of Cava, then we changed cava for sangria and some Australian wines...not too bad...

At least Christams time in Sydney is really different. We had dinner in the house of one of my collegues and we were twelve people of six different countries...muy navideño

The next day, off course, you must to go to the beach...it is the most famous picture in this part of the world, spending Christmas Day in the beach with a Santa hut and a bottle of champain.

But Christmas Day this year was not so good to do this, because it was cold and cloudy and some minutes after the picture above the beach looks like this.

Merry Christams for everybody...

1 comentario:

  1. Darliiiing!!! I misss youuuuuu... :'( :'( :'(

    El próximo viaje me agarras de las orejas y me llevas contigo... que me pierdo en la locura sin ti.

    ¡¡¡VUELVEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! y que te asignen algun proyecto conmigo en Bilbo... :D

    Te quiero pedorra!!

    Cuidate mucho mucho... y ya sabes traeme un Koala txikitito... :D

